Allied Health Professionals
AHP & HSS permanent and Locum roles UK wide
We’re here for you every step of the way
Carers Arm Support is dedicated to connecting and supporting the people and organisations who take care of our health every day.
Already working in the UK?
Looking for your next role
If you are already living and working in the UK, we’d love to help you secure your next opportunity.
Looking to relocate to the UK from overseas?
Click here to find out more about how we can help you.
Service Users
All bands, specialties and sub-specialties

Acute Hospitals

Primary Care

Community Care

Mental Health
Check out our latest jobs
Didn’t find what you were looking for?
Due to the number of vacancies we handle and the speed at which we fill them, we cannot advertise all our roles online, so this is just a sample. Please do register your interest with us today as we would love to help you find your next role!
Whatever your career aspirations
We’re here for you to make your life as easy as possible.
Whether you’re looking for a short or long-term agency role or a permanent position, you can always count on Carers Arm Support to have the right job for you.
Our contracts with numerous NHS Trusts means we have opportunities across many Allied Health Professions (AHP) and Health Service Sciences (HSS) – and can help you find exactly what you want.
Roles we are constantly recruiting for include: Paramedics, Pharmacy, Radiographes, Mammographers, Physiotherapist, Occupational Therapy, ODP (Operating Theatres), Dietitians, Speech and Language Therapists, Phlebotomy.
Acute Hospital AHPs
Working in Acute Care is challenging and time consuming; that is why our services are built to support you.
From HCA to Band 7, our specialist teams understand the demands of all the specialties – working with you to find the perfect role and location to suit your needs.
We are on hand to help with Compliance, nursing revalidation, career development and even accommodation when required.
Whatever your needs we are here to help.

Primary Care AHPs
Primary Care AHPs and HSS are in high demand to deliver excellent patient care across an ever-increasing range of practice settings. From GP Surgeries to walk-in centres, prison and beyond.
Our Primary Care team is experienced at placing AHPs in positions across the UK.
If you’re interested in a new role, please register today.
Community AHPs
Supporting the nation’s health and social care through integrated placements outside hospital settings including community emergency multidisciplinary units, or medical unit day assessment services offers innovative ways to develop your career.
We also help Nurses find specialist roles including Community Paediatrics, Palliative Care and Public Health.

Mental Health HCA & SSW
Allied Health Professionals are in increasing demand as need for services continues to rise. ID Medical’s specialist Mental Health division is here to help AHPs and Healthcare Practitioners working in mental health find the right jobs to suit their needs.
Our partnerships across the country mean we have an incredible array of jobs available for you. Plus, you can be confident that we understand your specific needs.

Carers Arm Support Ltd and their support workers have been great in helping me achieve a semblance of independence. The service Carers Arm is currently providing allows me to get out more in the community.
Peter, Client

Carers Arm Support have been looking after me for a while now. Without them I will be stuck at home alone and will not be able to have the interactions that I do week in, week out. They are always bright and cheerful and I enjoy seeing them.
Gleni, Client

Carers Arm Support Ltd has been providing support to my son Jeremy since July 2023, and their support has been invaluable in helping me and my family in having as close to a normal life as possible. Carers Arm matched my son’s needs and interest with the right support worker, and as a result, Jeremy has been thriving. The support offered by Carers Arm has allowed me to pursue a higher education and career. I will definitely recommend Carers Arm to others that are in a similar situation as I am.